Brite Consulting
Where to start?

Organizations can get used to their problems. If you ask, they might tell you "that's just the way it is around here". It's not uncommon to struggle with low engagement, higher than desired attrition, too few staff that are ready and willing to accept the next challenge. Organizations (like people) can develop a "limp" that they don't even notice - but everyone else does. Let Brite assist you in solving the problems that have become all too familiar...
Organizational Lifecycle Analysis
Organizations are born, grow, mature and often die but (unlike people) they do not have a finite lifespan. Some organizations have been around for years but act like they're a start-up and others have only been around for a short time but have "old age" problems.
The goal of Lifecycle Analysis is to identify where a business is today and understanding the organizational improvements required to move them into "Prime", where there is an optimal mix of organizational flexibility and control.
Once "Prime" is achieved, the organization can remain there indefinitely. Interested in knowing where your organization stands?
Leadership Development
Most organizations aren't very effective when it comes to developing their staff - and the results speak for themselves. Today, a staff that doesn't believe they are being prepared for future success is a staff that is underperforming and probably disengaged. The result is expense and pain caused by constant attrition; the price paid for not investing in your talent.
Abraham Lincoln said "Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I'll spend the first 4 sharpening the axe." Fail to invest in developing your leadership and you'll have no lack of activity - a lot of sweat and blisters - but not the results you desire. Let Brite Consulting develop the customized solution for your specific requirements - do you want to lose more key staff?
Cultural Catalyst
We believe an organization’s true potential lies within its people and that our purpose is to help ignite a cultural transformation by empowering your entire staff to engage, connect, and thrive in the workplace.
Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model and provides participants with personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.
The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark a meaningful cultural improvement in your organization.

Team Based Problem Solving
How many hours do you spend in meetings and workshops trying to solve your problems? Too many? And once you arrive at a solution, does the implementation take so long it creates a cycle of pain that makes leadership and staff dread the problem solving process itself?
Using the "Team Problem Solving" methodology developed by the Adizes Institute, you can become skilled in a powerful problem solving AND implementation methodology that increases team engagement & satisfaction while helping you identify your most valuable staff members in the process.
Family Business Transition
A family business is a special thing, with special challenges. It's not just the complexities of running a business in the face of competitors, a complicated regulatory environment and constant change... the family dimension makes it "different".
It's not unusual for a family business to struggle through a transition of control from founder to the next generation(s) It's not unusual for selling the business to seem the least painful option or for a family to have relationships strained (or worse) through the transition process. It doesn't have to be that way!
Business Buy/Sell Due Diligence
Deciding it's time to buy or sell a business is a big deal, but what comes next may be the more difficult than coming to your pivotal decision - preparing for the due diligence process.
Optimizing the due diligence process will:
Save time - avoid (endless) iterations
Save money - costly mistakes are easily made
Make you money - know where to ask for concessions
Protect your interests - they are protecting theirs...
Most importantly, failures in due diligence are often what prevents a deal from getting done - we can help you reach the "finish line" successfully.